0384 - Fighting words - 2025.02.10



Yes, "fighting words" is literally a thing. Look it up.


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0384– 2167/07/07/11:37- LC’s apartment, living room
Zoa: Y’see, Lee, back before humans had the direct degree of control over their own anatomy that you enjoy today, sexual promiscuity (particularly of someone’s female relatives) was more of an essential concern. Y’know, “virgins” and “bastards” and all that. Like it or not, a lot of that social programming still echoes through culture and language and emotions today.
Doc: Indeed. Making reference – however oblique – to the ready sexual availability of someone’s parent or spouse was what used to be called “fighting words”; which is to say, they were criminally equivalent to a physical attack, and reacting with actual violence would have been considered a justifiable response.
LC (devastated): Oh my gods, I’ve been threatening people?!? Why the hell didn’t you stop me?!?!?
Doc: Once again, Lee, I remind you that I don’t necessarily know what you don’t know, and I have been, until recently, operating under the assumption that you had a basic grasp of your own culture. Fortunately, I don’t recall you actually saying “your mom” to a human being with a mother, so I’m reasonably certain you can simply avoid this particular “vocal tic” going forward.
LC: What if I can’t, though? What if it slips out?
Zoa: Ehh, it’s not as much of a concern nowadays. I think most folks would just be confused.
LC: Oh my gods, what if I had said it to Caleb?
Zoa: Well... you didn’t. So that’s okay.
Zoa: Also: are you polytheist?
LC: Oh my gods –God– fuck, no, is this “oh my gods” another vocal tic I need to unlearn?
Doc: Your face needs to unlearn.
Zoa: What?
Doc: Supposedly, Lee uses the comedy routine to defuse tension.
LC: Well it doesn’t fucking do that any more, now, does it?

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