0101 - 2167/07/06/12:35 - Lee Caldavera's apartment, living room
LC: Well, motivated or not, I suppose we should go ahead with the gamified learn-
Zoa: Oop, hang on - policy just changed at Rosenthal College.
LC: What?
Zoa: School administrators can now give direct orders to AIs on campus, up to and including self-destruction or turning their resources over to the faculty, regardless of whether or not there's an emergency, regardless of who owns the AI.
LC: It's that Patricia person!
Zoa: Seems so. Hell of a power grab. Informing DemeGeek now, DemeGeek's informing other robotic subcontractors...
LC: What are we going to do? You can't go on camp-
Zoa: Aaaand Rosenthal College no longer has janitors, security, you can't get deliveries to or from...
Zoa: Aaaand the policy change is reversed.
LC: That was... efficient.
Zoa: Wonders of modern bureaucracy. Make bigger mistakes faster.