0162 - Authority - 2020.11.09 |
Comment: Certain drugs have specific effects on the human brain. Substances like cocaine or alcohol or psilocybin are not only associated with increased heartrate or pupil dilation, but with particular moods, attitudes, and personality traits. One can often determine, from behaviour alone, what drugs a given subject is on. It therefore follows, I think, that those neural pathways must be pre-existing in the human brain to be stimulated, and, given that all humans are different, that some humans must naturally have a stronger cocaine-pathway than others. I've heard the argument made that, since attention deficit is often treated with buffered amphetamines, that ADHD might be reinterpreted as a form of inborn amphetamine deficiency. Discworld fans may remember Sam Vimes being described as naturally "knurd", i.e., lacking the personality traits that most people have all the time that can be accentuated with alcohol. I mention this because after some recent soul-searching, I've come to the conclusion that my most notable personality traits are consistent with someone who is constantly under the influence of marijuana. I am (and have been since birth) naturally a little bit stoned all the time. I have a slow reaction time and poor hand-eye co-ordination. I'm very creative and have a strong imagination, verging on low-grade hallucination. I'm easy-going and slow to anger, and I want everyone to just get along. I'm extremely susceptible to suggestion, but nothing sticks. I eat like a garbage can. I'm prone to meandering philosophical bullshit. And, of course, I'm naturally inclined to paranoia, particularly about authority figures. I don't like or trust teachers. I don't like or trust bosses. I don't like or trust elected officials. I absolutely do not like or trust police of any sort. If any human being has the power to help or hurt me, and no particular incentive other than their own personal niceness to do one and not the other (especially in cases where I know they would receive praise and promotions and money for ruining the life of someone they can designate as a bad guy), I am naturally inclined to do everything in my power to avoid that person's notice. (...And this is where I have to disappoint any libertarian readers I may have by saying that no, this doesn't mean that I'm anti-government. I feel that this is a persistent failure in the right-wing imagination, the misapprehension that wanting higher taxes and a stronger social safety net must mean that progressives somehow like or trust the Powers That Be. I assure you, the fact that I want to give politicians more of my money and have them use it to help people means that I trust them far far less, not more. In an ideal world, every year, I'd sign over most of my paycheck to an elected official, and they'd immediately sweat bullets, holding this hot potato, knowing that if they even think of spending a single dollar on something other than the public welfare, they'll be fed feet-first into a woodchipper.) Anyway, all of this is to say that Lee, as always, is repping my laziest, basest, most unexamined instincts - and, of course, finding a way to spin their natural inclinations as a form of virtue. One can assume that Lee, like me, has a very strong neural marijuana pathway. I do not know if there is an equivalent of Discworld's Klatchian coffee that can make someone "denots", but no doubt Lee's assorted indistinguishable-from-magic implants can simulate it. Whether or not this alteration will ever be implemented - and whether doing so would in any way improve Lee's behaviour - remains to be seen. |
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