0177 - 2167/07/06/16:25 - Lee Caldavera's apartment, living room.
[Doc has been waiting patiently, unable to turn itself off and unable to communicate either verbally or electronically. Although ostensibly incapable of worry, irritation or boredom, its facial expression and "body language" are wordlessly expressing an overall dissatisfaction with its current circumstances. The roast beef sandwich, still in its wrapper, sits on the edge of the therapy couch cushion. A butlerbot is also present, silently watching.]
[The sandwich slides closer to the edge of the cushion.]
[The sandwich slides closer to the edge of the cushion.]
[The sandwich falls off the edge of the cushion and lands on the floor.]
[The butlerbot picks up the sandwich.]
[The butlerbot leaves with the discarded sandwich, presumably to throw it in the garbage after five seconds have elapsed. Doc is left alone.]