0299 - 2167/07/07/08:57 - Lee Caldavera's apartment, front hallway
Zoa (opening front door): Heyyy, Big C! What’s shakin’?
CP: H-hi, Zoa. Is… is Lee ready for c-class? I th-thought maybe we could…
CP: ...y’know.
Zoa: Walk to class together?
CP: I… was going to hover-skate, actually. M-my feet still aren’t a hundred p-percent.
Zoa: Riiiight, from when you jumped off of a building. That was cool. I don’t know if Lee owns a pair of hover-skates, though.
CP: I b-brought them a p-pair of… of clip-ons.
Zoa: But not a pair for me, I’m guessin’. Also, who’s your friend?
[we see Klein in the hallway, looking like a cyborg bird dragon]
JRK: Hi. I’m Klein.
CP: They’re Klein.
Zoa: Hi, Klein, I’m Zoa. Nice cyberbird bits.
JRK: Thanks. Unlike Big C, here, I decided to lean into the whole bio-upgrades thing, as long as VetMed’s paying for it.
CP: P-please d-don’t call me Big C. I… I don’t like Big C.
JRK: Yeah, I guess, in the context of federally-funded programs, the Canadian government is Big C, so you’d be Little C.
Zoa: Hey, Lee, Li’l C wants to fly to class with you! You good on hover-skates?
CP: I m-may have m-made a t-t-t-tactical error.