0344 - The first scientist. - 2024.05.06



Some things are easier to observe than others.


0344– 2167/07/07/10:54- Rosenthal College, Phi building, classroom 1248
OT: ...and while many of their postulates like the “four elements” were, in retrospect, incorrect, Aristotle was arguably the first scientist, engaging in systematic observation and recording of the natural world.
OT: They took detailed notes about the sea life in and around Lesbos, and were one of the first people to write literally anything about geology.
OT: Aristotle also engaged in rudimentary experimentation, discovering that salt water evaporated and condensed into fresh water, and creating the camera obscura.
OT: Philosophy, at the time, was not distinct from the other sciences. In fact, up until the formalization of the scientific method, much of what we would call “science” was referred to as “natural philosophy”.
OT: ...yes, Mezzer Bruncklemeyer?
QB: So does that mean that, once science was invented, the only stuff that was left to be “philosophy” was the stuff that couldn’t be scientifically studied with observation and experimentation?
OT: That’s not how we normally delineate the subjects… but yes, I suppose that’s a valid way of looking at it.
OT: Mezzer Zimmerman?
PZ: So… if someone ever did develop a way to run experiments on ontology or epistemology or ethics, to come up with hypotheses and then verify or falsify them… then those subjects would stop being “philosophy” and would just become new branches of science?
OT: Ooh, y’know what? I had other homework I was going to assign for today, but forget it! Before tomorrow’s class, I want each of you to propose an “experiment” that we can run on one of those subjects. Try to incorporate Aristotle’s ideas into your proposal, if you can!
LC (electronically, to Zoa): Wait, is Mzr. Twofeather trying to destroy the entire subject that they’re supposed to be teaching?
Zoa (electronically, to LC): Come to think of it, they did seem pretty jazzed about teaching advanced aeronautics instead...