0365– 2167/07/07/11:18- sidewalk
Zoa: Lee Caldavera, do you or do you not, in fact, want me to kiss you on your mouth in exchange for one thousand Canadian Consumer Credits?
LC: I… I thought I did. I don’t know. I think… I think I do want that, but I don’t want you to want that. Does that make sense?
Zoa: No. But I have a proposal.
LC: What’s that?
Zoa: It’s when you describe a suggested course of action for another party’s approval.
Zoa: In this case… you’re having weird feelings and you’re not sure how to deal with them, and I don’t want to risk being unsupportive to you, emotionally.
Zoa: I certainly don’t want to risk taking a kilocred from you that you can’t afford and then having that transaction invalidated because you were so emotionally compromised that it constitutes nonconsensual manipulation on my part. The Powers that Be don’t like that.
Zoa: Doc is specialized in exploring and explaining all of your weird feelings, and it could authoritatively sign off on the fact that I’m not somehow breaking your brain via your mouth.
LC: Or, if you do break my brain, Therapro is the corporation that would be held liable for said breakage, not Demegeek or KGHS.
Zoa: Ah, now you’re thinkin’!
Zoa: So yeah, I move that we table the kilocred kissing issue until we return to your domicile and consult with Doc about it.
LC: At which point, pending psychotherapeutic approval, we make out directly in front of Doc’s stupid face.
Zoa: The “directly in front of Doc’s face” part is optional, but I see no reason why having your therapist closely monitoring all of your intimate interactions wouldn’t be ideal for your mental health, yes.