0372– 2167/07/07/11:25- Rosenthal College, Delta building, classroom 0109
Joyd Barrowsmith (entering classroom): Mezzer Appleby, Mezzer Paratta. Ready for Day Two?
HA: Yes, absolutely, Mezzer Barrowsmith! Is it just more history of AI development today, or…?
JB: Oh, yes, this class is all going to be history for at least the first week. Got to know how and why we got to where we are before we get into theory and practice and programming!
JB: Mezzer Paratta, I wanted to be sure you’re alright before we begin. You seemed to have some issues yesterday, did you need to talk about them?
CP: Oh, f-f-f-f-first class jitters, I’ll… I’ll be fine today. It’s fine.
CP: I’m fine.
JB: Glad to hear it.
JB: Of course, if you do need any sort of special consideration, please don’t hesitate to mention. It’s my job to make sure that you’re in an ideal situation to learn, and I recognize that subjects like The Boston Triplets or Operation Slit Throat can be challenging for people.
CP: I think I can keep the existential dread to a m-minimum, Mezzer Barrowsmith. We’re all here to confront the reality of AIs in modern society, you can’t do that without breaking a few… er… without examining the eggs that have been broken throughout history.
CP: ...for the omelet. Of society.
JB: The society omelet that we all enjoy today, indeed, that omelet.
HA: Is “society omelet” a term I should be writing down, or…?