Corghuahuas, of course, are hybrid corgi-chihuahuas, but typically with modifications that make them smaller, cuter, hardier, calmer, quieter, smarter, and hypoallergenic. Other common ESAs include domesticated red pandas or capybaras, self-warming squeezevests, a handholder (which is a palmable device that sort of looks like a Gripmaster), or various invisible digital pets (Tamagotchis are back and they're better than ever!) Whatever your ESA is, it's supposed to be unobtrusive - ideally, completely unseen - and it's definitely not supposed to talk.
0045 - 2167/07/06/10:03 - Rosenthal College, Phi building, classroom 1248
teacher: Uh... an "emotional support aid" is typically along the lines of a corghuahua in a purse.
Zoa: I agree. That would be typical. Once again, I thank you for your compliment.
teacher: Mezzer Caldavera, you got permission to have this... thing... as your ESA?
Zoa: They did. I filled out the forms myself, and got approved almost immediately. Wonders of modern computerized bureaucracy.
teacher: Well... you can stay as long as you're not disruptive.
Zoa: Wasn't planning on being disruptive. I'll only speak when spoken to.
teacher: And I would prefer it if Mezzer Caldavera did speak directly to me at some point.
Zoa: Your preference has been recorded.
teacher: Also, to minimize disruption, in future, I think it would be helpful if you adorned your chassis a little less provocatively.
Zoa: Your preference has been recorded.
teacher: Glad we're on the same page.
Zoa (muttering): [And on the day you either purchase me or rent my services, I'll be sure to take all your recorded preferences into account.]