0090 - 2167/07/06/12:11 - Lee Caldavera's apartment, living room
Zoa: Y'know, Lee, for the vast majority of human history, people didn't have the ability to change their bodies around like you can today. If you were born with tits, you just had to stick with'em, regardless of your personality.
LC: Very few people, I imagine, were born with tits.
Zoa: You know what I mean.
Zoa: So imagine that you're a person from ancient times. Imagine you're Socrates. Based on the images I've found, they had pale skin, white hair, big lumpy forehead, long wavy beard, no tits to speak of. How would you communicate your deep philosophical insights to the Athenians, if you had no way of changing that?
LC: I'd make friends with someone else, and get them to do it for me.
Zoa: Uh... okay, granted, that does appear to be what Socrates did, yes.
LC: Of course, the Athenians would probably still all hate my guts.
Zoa: That... also was the case, yes.
LC: And, regardless of my great lumpy genius deductive brain, they'd find a way to force their toxicity down my throat...
Zoa: You've been reading ahead, haven't you?