
Heck yes I take commissions. I love doing commissions! It doesn't have to be art related to Forward - I'm not picky and my rates are reasonable!

One humanoid figure: $100.00
Additional characters in the same image: +$50 each
Simple accessories (hat, staff, gun, etc.): free of charge!
Tougher stuff (bicycle, specific model of gun, etc.): +$40 each
Simple background (beach, outer space, clean bedroom, etc.): +$60
Tougher background (factory, messy bedroom, anything with 4 or more characters): +$80
Really tough background (anything where I actually have to take perspective into account): +$150
Full comic page (if cheaper/easier than tabulating each panel separately): +$400

All prices are given in US dollars (I take Paypal). Although I have no problem drawing porn (even the weird kinky stuff), I reserve the right to decline any request for any reason. Go ahead and send an email to tailsteak [at] hotmail [dot] com for more details, tell me what you're interested in!

And y'know what? Just to make things interesting, every month, I have THEMES. If, at the time you request it, your commission falls within one or more of these categories, you get it for FIFTY PERCENT OFF! Your themes for the month of February, 2025 are:

Bellina Nyteshade

(And hey, as always, if you don't want to bother with that restriction, signing up for my Patreon at $10/mo or higher gets you that discount regardless.)

You are free to repost any art I do for you (I'd appreciate credit and a link), but if you're using it for anything commercial, please let me know ahead of time - I'll probably say it's okay! (Unless it's for NFTs or similar, I do not consent to having my work used for cryptocurrency in any way.) If you're not sure about something, feel free to ask - I'm flexible and open to suggestions!

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